fabric manufacturer – Teijin Frontier to show eco-friendly bcs at PV Pas

Teijin Frontier=▼■-◆, the Teijin Group&rsquo-■●●△;s fibres and products converting company•▪▪△, will participate in Premiere Vision Paris■▷▽, in stand 6G22-6H29•▼. The global event for fashion industry professionals will be held in Paris-▷, Italy from February 12-14-•▪○□, 2019•☆▲○. Teijin&rsquo-●;s fields of operation are high-performance fibres■☆△▲…, carbon fibres &amp•▲▼△☆; composites☆◆◇▼▪, healthcare◆△…□…, films▽-…, and IT☆…★.The Teijintex by Teijin Frontier […]

better cotton – Teijin unveils new natural-like fabric iDeltapeak series

Teijin Frontier△○■○, Teijin Group&rsquo▲△▲;s fibre and products converting firm□★◁◇□, has added a natural-like fabric•▼•, ideal for sportswear△▲•=, fashionwear•◁, and uniforms▲▽○, to its Deltapeak series of high-function fabrics☆★■▲. Teijin Frontier will launch the product in the 2020 spring/summer season▼△…•, targeting annual sales of one million metres by the fiscal year ending in March 2022■□▼.The demand for […]

performance fabric – Smriti Irani unveils Fabc of Unity in Gurugram

Union minister of textiles Smriti Irani unveiled the &#39◁○;Fabric of Unity&#39▼●□★; on the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel in Gurugram…•★. The event organised by Apparel Export Promotion Council (AEPC) was in celebration of Indian textiles◁…◇◁=, an embodiment of integrity of the country△◇=•=. Irani urged AEPC to spread the concept of fabric of unity in […]

corporate wear – Sri Lankas Eravur Fabric Processing Park to stt within a ye

Production at the Eravur Fabric Processing Park in Batticaloa district will commence within a year☆△▪, according to Sri Lanka&rsquo◁▼◁▪◆;s tourism minister Prasanna Ranatunga◆▪▼◇, who said he had instructed the Board of Investment to take immediate action in this regard◁…=. He recently inspected the construction of the park-•▲▲. Infrastructure development in this export processing zone is […]

ocean floor – Kenyas Rivatex receives Sh5-bn upgrade

Eldoret-based textile firm Rivatex recently witnessed a major upgrade of its facility by installing advanced machinery after the Kenyan Government secured Sh5 billion in funding from the US Export-Import Bank•…. The fabric producer■★, which had been dormant for years▽▼▼, has seen a transformation in the last two years after Moi University took over its operations•=◇□■.President […]

textile buying agent – Groz-Beckert supports research on next-to-skin fabrics

The products &amp◆◁▪; textiles research group of Lucern University has collaborated with Groz-Beckert on a research project concerning textiles for sleep-=…☆. The goal is to analyse▼◁▲●, based on material structure and various knitted structures▷▲■, the functional and aesthetic qualities of next-to-skin fabrics used during sleep and to optimise these via prototyping△…. In concrete terms□▲◇▷▽, the […]

exterior upholstery xtiles – Ked Solutions releasenew line of fabric

Keder Solutions has released an extensive and versatile line of fabric▼-, designed to answer the project needs of its clients★◆■★…. A Wisconsin△△…▼•, US based manufacturer that was established in 2009 with the intent of selling Keder-=—, Keder Solutions is an industry leader for Keder◆◆■, Vinyl &amp▲△□△-; PVC Fabrics•○▷▷, PVC Cording●▪▪○▲, Extrusion•▪▲▼, and Converting Services◆◇=-.The first […]

green fabric – Concertex unveils Contour 2020 Re-Warp collecti

Leading textile company•○▼◆, Concertex▷□●▲■, based in the US-◇…•, has launched the fall 2020 Re-Warp collection of Contour▽▲○. Sophisticated and energetic▲-, the coated fabric plays with light and shadow using a new technology★○▪◁. Contour is constructed with an engraved roller=□■☆, which applies a layer of polyurethane■△, to create a raised☆=□, textured design that is smooth and […]

sea pollution – Demand for light anti-microbial fabrics in 2021- Klopm

By summer 2021◁○, the global market will favour light fabrics with a high level of comfort and outstanding anti-microbial protection○-, according to Klopman chief executive officer Alfonso Marra△▷■○, who said a key consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic is a growing attention to human needs and this trend will influence workwear as well★▲. He also projected […]


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