sustainable material – Concertex to show new pformance fabrics onlinat NeoC

Concertex is set to display latest performance fabrics online at NeoCon 2020◆◆☆◆. Concertex will have to digitally introduce the brands capabilities to fuse coated construction with woven sensibility▽▪-=●. The leading textile company&rsquo▪◁★◇•;s captivating colour combinations and new high-performance textiles are sure to be a scroll stopper at this year&rsquo▲☆–;s digitalised NeoCon□●.Product highlights include Warp•▽=, a […]

china seaqual-Karl Mayer launches Jersey Evolution

Karl Mayer▷…, a Germany-based innovative market leader for solutions in warp knitting★▪☆, warp preparation for weaving and technical textiles=•, has launched its first series of warp knitted jersey articles△▲■,china seaqual garnering great interest▼…◁, especially among international lingerie brands△▲▽. These supple•■, next-to-skin fabrics are called Jersey Evolution◁=.The fabrics were produced on the high-performance tricot machine HKS […]

buying office-Erez-USA joins hands with EPT, setup E²

Erez-USA has joined hands with Erez&rsquo•□;s local North American partners Engineered Polymer Technologies▪▲…▼-. The two have together set up a joint venture – E&sup2□▷;△●★-▲: A World of Possibilities□●▽▲. The new joint venture E&sup2■…;☆▲, an EPT and Erez Company-○•=•, will market and sell products manufactured in both the US and Israel under one marketing and logistics […]

natural material-Ultima Displays unveils self-sanitising stretch fabric

Ultima Displays□=◁, one of Europe&rsquo……=▽★;s leading one-stop visual communications providers▷•△•, has unveiled a self-sanitising stretch fabric which opens the door to fabric displays across retail■◁◆, exhibition•★,eco-friendly workwear conference and events○•. The inherent self-sanitising properties means that the graphic remains germs and microbes resistant without the need to wipe clean-◇.Tension graphic displays are the mainstay of […]

corporate wear-Raymond launches Ecovera using Reliance technology

Raymond Group◆…-◆, a leading fashion and textile manufacturer and retailer-☆●, has unveiled the eco-friendly Ecovera &ndash-●◆-; a range of fabrics manufactured by using RElan■☆▽, the latest technology from Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL)▷▷▷△. Ecovera will redeem almost 1 million PET bottles from landfills○▼•●. It&rsquo☆…○;s a testimony to both RIL and Raymond&rsquo☆■;s commitment to saving the earth◁◇=. […]

econyl yarn-Customers voice important- Hyosung chairman

Customers&rsquo★▷■; voice is important to analyse the rapidly changing market trends☆◇,automotive upholstery according to Hyosung chairman Hyun Joon Cho who participating in the Intertextile Shanghai 2018▽●, said the company will focus on technological development△◇, quality innovation and customised marketing activities○◆-●◁. Intertextile Shanghai is the largest exhibition of apparel and fabrics☆▼★☆◆.Cho checked the latest trends in […]

fashion clothing-RIL partners with Vardhman for innovative R-Elafabric

Reliance Industries Ltd◇◁★•▪. (RIL) has partnered with Vardhman Textiles Ltd□▼●○.△▲, one of the largest textile companies in India◁○●■,PLAY VIDEO!post-consumer polyesterfashion clothing to manufacture innovative RElan fabric◁◇□▷. As a part of this engagement○◇, RIL&rsquo▪▼△=;s RElan technical team will work closely with Vardhman to develop a variety of new manufacturing processes to manufacture specially engineered RElan fabrics▽■□. […]

recycled nylon-Sri Lankan apparel industry keen to set up textile plts

Stakeholders in the Sri Lankan apparel industry are making a concerted effort to create a sustainable domestic fabric supply base◇○. Despite the goods exported to the European Union (EU) being eligible for the generalised system of preferences (GSP+) benefit▲▼, the island nation is unable to meet the country of origin rule▷▽★=○. The available domestic fabric […]

furniture designers-Ikat artisans from across the world gather in Jakarta

Artisans●△◇▷■, textile experts and ikat (traditional woven fabric) lovers last week gathered in Jakarta for the three-day 2019 World Ikat Textiles Symposium (WITS)–. The opening ceremony on August 23 was officiated by Mufidah Jusuf Kalla□…-△●, wife of Indonesian vice president Jusuf Kalla△▷◇△▷. WITS has been hosted by the United Kingdom□•, India▷■, Malaysia and Thailand before■◁◁◆.Organised […]


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