textile sourcing-Carvico to show fabrics for interior design at Heimxtil

Carvico is set to present its lifestyle collection of fabrics for interior design at Heimtextil 2020 expo☆•▪△◆, in booth G34□•, hall 4☆▲■▪■.2☆□◆▲○. Carvico is a global leader in the production of warp knitted fabrics•■. Heimtextil is an international trade fair for home and contract textiles☆▪, which will be held from January 7-10▪•△, 2020▼○△△☆, at Frankfurt […]

corporate wear-Brrr claims superi cooling fabrics based on lab tests

New test data by independent global labs shows US firm Brrr&rsquo■▷…★△;s cooling fabrics outperform other similar products and can keep people cooler and comfortable in everyday activities•□△. Brrr&rsquo◁–★○;s patented technology combines natural minerals▽•▪▼, active wicking and rapid drying to create a &lsquo★★◆;Triple Chill Effect&rsquo○●▷…-; that draws heat and moisture away from the body•★.The tests were […]

material consulting-Noble Biomaterials sts fabcantivir effecveness

Noble Biomaterials has announced the results of third-party laboratory testing of fabric made with its X- Static technology against human coronavirus OC43○=……★, a common strain of coronavirus•▲△▼. The company produces advanced material technologies for mission-critical applications in the performance apparel▷▷●, healthcare◁•▲, and emerging wearable technology markets□◁▪□.The lab results▽★, from BioScience Laboratories•…◁▽, showed that the metallised […]

wholesale upholstery supplies-Arvind to manufacture R-Elan high performcfabrics

Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) has forged a partnership under its Hub Excellence Partners (HEP) programme with Ahmedabad-based Arvind Ltd to manufacture co-branded RElan high performance fabrics▽●▲□▼. Arvind will provide a high standard quality fabric and RIL will ensure timely delivery of RElan high-quality performance technologies to Arvind■◇▼◁. The partnership was forged during a HEP meet […]

seaqual item-Invista announces Crafted in Japan with Cordura Fabric

Invista Japan•-◇▼, a producer of chemical intermediates-▷▲-●, polymers◇■☆▪, and fibres★☆◇=▪, has announced its new &lsquo=▲=;Crafted in Japan with Cordura Fabric&rsquo▲-▪◇; series in collaboration with leading Japanese brands to display specialised manufacturing techniques and cutting-edge design◁-▷-…. The campaign is a testimony to the Cordura brand&rsquo▽…;s support for Japanese craftsmanship○-==★.Incorporating Cordura fabric technologies trusted by the US […]

seaqual recycled polyester-Ventile appoints Wolfgang Mulr as European samager

Ventile△◇○▲▷, Stotz &amp•…◁▼▽; Co has appointed Wolfgang Muller European sales manager◆▽. He joins the company with over 27-years of experience in the textile industry gained from some of Europe&rsquo=△★◆=;s largest high-performance textile manufacturers□…▲. Mulller will support the worldwide sale of Ventile as the brand targets 20 per cent growth and sales into new markets●▲▪▲=.Muller brings […]

Upcycled Marine Plastic-ATIRA providing medium for N99 masks to DRDO

The Ahmedabad Textile Industry&rsquo▲■;s Research Association (ATIRA) is providing a special silver-coated nanoweb filter media that is used in making N99 masks for the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO)▽★▲●•. The media has been jointly developed by ATIRA and DRDO△□•. ATIRA has already provided the nano-coated fabric enough to produce about 3◇▲.85 lakh N99 masks-★▪. […]

recycled PET-European patent for Trident fabric manufactung method

Trident Limited has been granted a patent for &lsquo▽○;fabric and method of manufacturing fabric&rsquo▲▪=; by the European Patent Office○■. The process comprises a method of subjecting a fabric to a special treatment…★, thereby obtaining increased air space in the resultant fabric△□•■◁. This will help the company deliver its special soft towels without using any chemical-based […]

textile importer-Swiss xtile company Venlaunches new cotton fabricnstrun

Ventile has launched an all-new fabric construction for the brand in the form of the 100 per cent recycled cotton▼==△▪, Ventile Eco 430 and Ventile Eco 420◆-. The company-▪•, based in Switzerland=…, produces the most effective▪○•, natural◇★, all-weather cotton textile▽▪◇△…, which is grown sustainably•◆. It is the best choice for durability◇△▪, reliability△▷, and all-round performance•■•★•.Harnessing […]


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