material agent – ISPO Textrends 2019 awards InvistaCordura brand fabrics

Invista&rsquo★★◇☆☆;s Cordura brand has been recognised by ISPO Textrends 2019 for outstanding innovation▷★☆△△. Cordura fabrics have been awarded by a jury of international industry experts based on the opportunities they present for designers and product managers◆○=☆…. Invista is one of the world&rsquo▼…=◆;s largest integrated producers of chemical intermediates▷•□★=, polymers●-☆▲△, and fibres▲☆.Comprised of a wide portfolio […]

fabric manufacturer – Teijin Frontier to show eco-friendly bcs at PV Pas

Teijin Frontier=▼■-◆, the Teijin Group&rsquo-■●●△;s fibres and products converting company•▪▪△, will participate in Premiere Vision Paris■▷▽, in stand 6G22-6H29•▼. The global event for fashion industry professionals will be held in Paris-▷, Italy from February 12-14-•▪○□, 2019•☆▲○. Teijin&rsquo-●;s fields of operation are high-performance fibres■☆△▲…, carbon fibres &amp•▲▼△☆; composites☆◆◇▼▪, healthcare◆△…□…, films▽-…, and IT☆…★.The Teijintex by Teijin Frontier […]


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