performance fabric – Hyosung displays fabrics at Performance Days

Hyosung TNC participated in &lsquo•◆•▪=;Performance Days&rsquo◇◁•▲;…◁☆-★, a functional fabric fair in Munich•●•, Germany◆=◇, on May 8-9▪•••◇. Under the topic &lsquo◆▼;The Beauty of Function&rsquo▽□;□★●□■, Hyosung displayed fabrics for everyday life with multiple functions for outdoor activities◆•◇, such as giving a cool touch▽-▼○■, blocking UV rays▼▷■•, absorbing and drying sweat quickly and neutralising smell of sweat▽◇•. Hyosung&rsquo★☆;s […]


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