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# National two sessions # [CPPCC ▲•●”Ling Feng: Patients to the hospital to seek medical treatment is not★-•☆” buying medical attention ◆=”] Chief expert in neurosurgery☆◁◇•: Doctors and patient relationship is not a pure supply and demand relationship•-○•, and save the dying is a doctors duty. But we also have to realize that the human […]

rpet fabric – US team develops fabric to automatally cool or insulate

University of Maryland (UMD) researchers have created a fabric that can automatically regulate the amount of heat that passes through it•△☆…◇. When conditions are warm and moist▷▽▼□●, such as those near a sweating body■▷▲□▼, the fabric allows infrared radiation▲●…, i▷▽○.e•■▷◆○.△…◇◇, heat▽☆●…, to pass through-△-•. When conditions turn cooler and drier◁○, the fabric reduces the heat […]


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