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Original title: China will promote the construction of natural gas storage system this year Source: Visual China is trying to establish systematic guarantees for Chinas strong natural gas consumption market●☆. On March 7th, the ◇●▷”2018 Energy Work Guidance” issued by the National Energy Administration (hereinafter referred to as “Opinions△□◇”) pointed out that China will promote […]

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Original title△◇•◆: [Island Read] Mei Xinyu: How to deal with possible …□▽○”Epic Trade War…▲□” [Herit Island Press] This morning, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, Vice Premier of the State Council, Liu He Shi Yixin and the US Finance Minister Mnukin. After listening to Mnchi to China☆☆○, Liu He said that China has been […]

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China Xinwang Beijing May 27th (Chen Hang) The Beijing Municipal Government implemented a unified planning layout of the former medical emergency institutions in the city, unified command dispatosition, unified service standard, unified supervision and management. In the case of emergencies, hospital medical emergency agencies, hospital medical emergency institutions and other social medical rescue power participated […]

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Bangladesh&rsquo□◁;s Zaber and Zubair Fabrics Ltd (Z&amp▷□;Z)=…-●, a unit of the Noman Group★▼▪-▲, recently claimed to have developed a new fabric called &lsquo•○★▪●;corona block fabric&rsquo▽☆; with the help of biocidal and virucidal treatment that could kill coronavirus within 120 seconds with the precision of 99◆▲■☆.9 per cent=•. The company was backed by two Swiss partners […]


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