togetherforacleanocean – PolyU comes out with intelligent quality corol

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has come out with an intelligent fabric defect detection system▪◇△=◆, called WiseEye-▽▷●◁, which leverages advanced technologies including Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep Learning for quality control (QC) in textile industry☆▼. The system effectively minimises the chance of producing substandard fabric by 90 per cent☆△▷●.The system substantially reduces loss and […]

fabric made of plastic – UKs Carrington to show sustainable tech forextiles at Techtexl

Being the first textile manufacturer to use biodegradable technology to produce workwear fabrics▲–•▪, Carrington Textiles has announced its focus on the promotion of a new sustainable technology for textiles at Techtextil◇•▽○. The global workwear fabric manufacturer will also promote Orca and Hawksbill○●▪●▽, as well as its latest flame retardant addition◁■==▼, Flamestat 250…★▲. Recently launched during […]


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