british fabric manufacturers – apparel c

Original title: Win! 40 Chinese steel companies have won the anti-monopoly investigation of the United States○▪☆, the Ministry of Commerce is a bit great apparel fabric british fabric manufacturers! Yesterday (20th), the US International Trade Commission decided to terminate the plaintiff American steel companys “337 survey” for Chinas steel★★▪, because the plaintiff cannot prove that […]

litter plastic – professional clothes dyeing

Original title▪▷☆★: Ministry of Finance issued a document to strengthen accountant industry supervision to clean up the ◁■-▪”Sneaked=-★” unlicensed “firm Beijing Beijing March 27 (Reporter Sun Bo Yang) Recently-▷▼, the Ministry of Finance issued the” Notice on Strengthening the Registered CPAs “( Next●●●○, ▷●–“Notification”)■○◁▲. “Notice△★▽□” requires the “Sneaked Notice◇▷◇□” accounting firm□•□◆. The ▼…◆•”Notice” requires the […]

Recycling – Fabric processing hub to come up central Indias Burhanpur

Burhanpur-Khandwa region of central India&rsquo•◆■;s state of Madhya Pradesh will soon have a textile cluster with units for fabric processing☆▼▽, dyeing▷◇▷○, printing and finishing◆▼▷◆◁, and yarn resizing◁△●■▽. The region■=▼□, known for handlooms▼=, is part of MP&rsquo▷▷;s cotton growing area=★★••. The first phase of the proposed textile cluster is likely to be operational within one and […]


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